Three Sketches

I just spent more time than you’d think recording these (ie longer than three minutes). I used all two-and-a-half of my accents and I also wore a different wig, moustache and brassiere for each character. They’re submissions for next year’s Rouch Cuts Podcasts from The Comedy Unit. Will they get in? Will they? Or will they?

Distraction Jackson

A couple of months ago we made a short film for the National Film Challenge 2011. We had three days to write and make a short film. The pic above shows us working out the story. Note step 1: “does something funny”. We are good at comedy.

The film was written and performed by me and mi Heavy Petting compadres, it was shot by the amazingly talented Jay Moussa, and John Noble built us a house of cards, an electrified collar and a hospital maternity unit in the corner of our office.

Anyway, 155 teams worldwide took part, 125 got completed films in, and now the best 15 have been shortlisted, and we’re in! We’re the only UK team to make it, so we’re pretty chuffed.

You can see (and, you know, maybe vote for?) the film here:

I haven’t voted yet, so I totally understand if you can’t be arsed either, but if you do watch it, let me know what you think.

And in case you’re wondering, we got given the genre “mockumentary” (I know! But what can you do?) and the film had to include a glass of wine, a marathon runner called Francis Tucker and the line “Let’s pretend this never happened”.

Here’s an nice picture of us filming a scene.